Il Casentino



The Casentino


This valley in the province of Arezzo is rich of forests and is the place where the Arno River is born. Thanks to these natural treasures the national park of the Casentinese Forests was created in 1993. In 1289 the Battle of Campaldino took place in the plains of Casentino; Dante Alighieri, the author of “La Divina Commedia”, participated in this battle.

The Casentino is a valley full of castles and fortifications, such as Poppi, Romena, Porciano and Castel San Niccolò, and of Romanesque pievi, such as pieve in Romena, Socana and Sietina. Nestled in the forests are the Santuario of the Verna, linked to St. Francis, which in addition to being a place of prayer has the most beautiful creations of Andrea della Robbia from an artistic point of view, and the Monastery and the Hermitage of Camaldoli founded by San Romualdo, where you can admire some works by Giorgio Vasari.

Connected to the Casentino, and not to be left aside, in Stia there is the textile manufacture of the “Pan of Casentino” where you can visit the Museum of the Art of Wool. Audrey Hepburn wore the orange coat in the cloth of the Casentino in one of the scenes of the movie “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”, a scene to be remembered and viewed again. The valley, full of ancient crafts and folk arts, offers the opportunity to visit the Ecomusei del Casentino, which are intended to tell and revive the past times of this Tuscan valley.

